[Pogamut-list] Graph<MyVertice, MyEdge> type Graph does not take parameters

Mogart pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Jan 15 09:12:31 CET 2013

Graph<MyVertice, MyEdge> type Graph does not take parameters

Author: Mogart


I'm working with the Pogamut 3 Cookbook 
Chapter 6. Navigation bot - navigating through the level

There is this smple code 

Collection navpoints;
String mapName = this.gameInfo.getLevel();
navpoints = this.bot.getWorldView().getAll(NavPoint.class).values();
Graph navigationGraph;
navigationGraph = NavigationGraphProviderForMap.getInstance().getNavigationDataForMapWithChceckAndInitialization(mapName, navpoints);
pathPlanner = new AdvancedPathPlanner(navigationGraph, bot, navpoints);

But whenW I try it, I have the error: Graph type Graph does not take parameters.

I tried to use different import, tu check any update of pogamut but I'm still stuck.
What do I have to do ? I know this question may look like a newbie question but I'm really lost.
Thank you in advance for your help

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