[Pogamut-list] Bot Radius Detection

dirkmalta pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Nov 29 10:47:31 CET 2010

Re: Bot Radius Detection

Author: dirkmalta

Hi Michal,

I was checking Pogamut 3 documentation (http://artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/documentation-project/Pogamut-Programmer_Documentation.pdf) and came across CanSee() method on page 12. The same method you mentioned above.
Documentation states that this method is inside RemoteBot class. For this reason I included NetBeans plug-in 'JarSearchResult' (http://blogs.sun.com/toxophily/entry/simple_netbeans_module_to_search) to search through Pogamut Libraries, however I was unable to find RemoteBot class.

Could you kindly inform me where I can find the class containing CanSee() method.



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