[Pogamut-list] Bot state change to dead freezes code execution.
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Jul 25 14:13:53 CEST 2010
Re: Bot state change to dead freezes code execution.
Author: Piotr.Murach
Yet another day in the battleground brings very little solutions:)
I run tests by injecting around 10 native bots into the map and running my bot among them for the length of the sequence
as that's the only way to force it to die more than once in the same experimental run(sequence is only 40 actions long).
It never hungs up, but what is interesting is at times it gives you only warning
(ThiefBot) [WARNING] 10:46:44.218 Bot switched to DEAD STATE.
but another time when death happens you get
(ThiefBot) [WARNING] 10:46:34.140 Bot switched to DEAD STATE.
(ThiefBot) [WARNING] 10:46:34.140 FSM[BotDeadState]: unprocessed message InfoMessage[ZoneChangedBot] | Id = CTF-1on1-Joust.ZoneInfo0 |
HEY BOT WAS KILLED ....%o rode %k's rocket into oblivion.
Damage Type: XWeapons.DamTypeRocketby WorldObjectId[CTF-1on1-Joust.GBxBot1]
This unprocessed message is what really worries me, and this message happens ocassionally. However, in previous
experimental runs when the bot hungs due to dead state, it is always accompanied by unprocessed message. And my
current assumption is that when the dead state is entered, the respawn message is not received - it never leaves the state dead
as in your leavingState method and keeps waiting for the server to issue spawn player... could it be right?
I have ruled out the JVM, I run debugging sessions on it and the heap size in its peaks only reached 15Meg out of 250meg limit.
I have also put bot stopping call into seperate thread, so this no longer causes exceptions/warnings. Finally, I have
changed agent.kill() to less violent agent.stop() to eliminate this possibilty as well. All in all, I am not getting any
exceptions apart from the dead state warning.
In terms of GameBots2004.ini modifications, I have changed few bits, of course not in a single go but through plenty of experimental runs:
bForcerespawn=True -- so if it dies it gets resurected :)
However, after all this the game hungs still, agrrrrr
Any more ideas what else can I try?
Thanks a lot for helping me out,
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