[Pogamut-list] Bot state change to dead freezes code execution.
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Jul 23 22:07:23 CEST 2010
Re: Bot state change to dead freezes code execution.
Author: Piotr.Murach
I genuinely hope that this is the case, because each time I am starting and stopping the server, I am using the UCCWrapper.UCCWrapperConf class to set all the params. I guess I need to use setOptions and pass all the mutators. Apart from that I will of course modify the GameBots2004.BotCTFGame and set all the limits to some ridiculously high values. I don't want to be pessimistic but I still feel like it maybe something to do with threading not the limits as such because I am stopping the ucc after sequence of actions has occurred and there is no chance that any limits get broken... but please allow me some time as I am on different machine. I am still going to run few debugging sessions...
Thanks for this,
ps: i will write tomorrow whether i was successful - fingers crossed :)
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