[Pogamut-list] Performance of the new BotModuleController
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Apr 29 19:52:34 CEST 2010
Re: Performance of the new BotModuleController
Author: jakub.gemrot
Hi Simon!
Good question indeed :-)
In our experience (we've do some testing) the reflection slows the invocation 20x times. But the method invocation is really fast
and it could not be really meassured as Java has a strange heartbeat when it comes to time (I was unable to precisly meassure it
but 20x is the good guess). The trick is that the usual invocation is quite fast and we never had a problem with reflection at all.
I've already built one decision making framework based solely on reflection and everything was ok even when I've run several bots
in one JVM (around 100*5 reflection invocation per second for one bot). So I would not fear of that.
But anybody pursuing the better performance may use the old fashion way registering his/her own listener to the worldview.
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