[Pogamut-list] Performance of the new BotModuleController

simon.jakobsen pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Apr 29 19:11:02 CEST 2010

Performance of the new BotModuleController

Author: simon.jakobsen


I played a bit with the new BotModuleController and must say that I really like the wrappings you've added, although I suppose most of it is Pogamut-syntactic sugar :)
In any case, it really cuts down on the overhead for introduction to new Pogamuters.

I was wondering though. I notice that you use reflection quite a lot with regards to the new Annotated listeners (a really fancy solution in my eyes).

This is of course not a performance problem in initialization, the overhead is negligible at this stage, but there's some reflective behavior in each listener's invocation as well (two Method.setAccesible and a Method.invoke). 

I don't know much about reflection and was just wondering if any of you've tested how much overhead this generates?
This is just a question of curiosity, feel free to ignore this if there's something inherently stupid with the question :P


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