[Pogamut-list] New A* for POGAMUT
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Mar 19 11:21:37 CET 2009
Re: New A* for POGAMUT
Author: rudolf.kadlec
there are two options:
1) contribute your new algorithm to the current stable version of Pogamut (resides in trunk directory in our repository)
2) extend current development version (found in branches/devel)
If you will decide for 1) you will be working with stable API, on the other hand this version will be superseded by our development branch soon (all thesis done on Pogamut in our group are being developed on this branch). The API's are completely different, so if you will write the algorithm for trunk version it won't be easily portable to the devel ... it's up to you :-)
In case you will pick 1) then look for cz.cuni.astar package and usages of classes in this package. if you are going for 2) then start with class FloydWarshallMap.
The javadoc should be generated after each commit, maybe something has broken on the server. Meanwhile you can try generating on your local computer by typing "ant javadoc" or use IDE, it will show you a javadoc generated on the fly (at least Netbeans or Eclipse).
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