[Pogamut-list] override

jcothran pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Jul 29 08:15:59 CEST 2009

Re: Re: Re: override

Author: jcothran

In the pogamut core code for astar, I believe the runAlongPath function is throwing an exception which is causing problems(prematurely ending the path traversal by sending a PATH_BROKEN response) - I've added a printout and added a RUNNING_ALONG status so that it does not fail the path entirely.

	} catch (Exception e) {
         	//return RunResult.PATH_BROKEN;  //JTC
                return RunResult.RUNNING_ALONG;

Also the runningToNavPointIndex for AStar seems to be started too low by 1, my bot won't start because the first navpoint is null references.  If I set the runningToNavPointIndex to 1 instead of 0, then the bot will try to handle the rest of the path (before it runs into the exception issue).

Can't figure out why the exception occurs with AStar only, possibly related to the getNextNavPoint call and path formulation/index being off?


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