[Pogamut-list] mapping bot

Jakub Gemrot jakub.gemrot at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 12:29:01 CEST 2008

There must be a bug in your code somewhere else... anyway
here is the code that works ok for me :-)

Try it - if it fails then there is some problem with the PogamutCore
version or it's compilation
(but this should be for the version 1.1)

        private NavPoint runTo = null;

	protected void doLogic() {
		log.warning("LOGIC ITERATION");
		if (runTo == null) {
			runTo = memory.getKnownNavPoints().get(random.nextInt(memory.getKnownNavPoints().size()));
			log.info("Selected navpoint: " + runTo.UnrealID);
		log.info("Searching path to: " + runTo.UnrealID);
		switch (gameMap.pathManager.retrievePathGB(runTo.location)) {
		case NO_PATH:
			log.severe("Can't find path to navpoint: " + runTo.UnrealID);
			runTo = null;
			log.severe("Waiting for the path.");
		case PATH_FOUND:
			log.info("Path found to: " + runTo.UnrealID);
			switch(gameMap.pathManager.runAlongPath()) {
			case PATH_BROKEN:
				log.severe("PATH BROKEN");
				runTo = null;
			case PATH_ENDED:
				log.info("PATH ENDED");
				runTo = null;
				log.info("Continuing the movement to: " + runTo.UnrealID);

Good luck!


On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 1:32 AM, cazub
<pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz> wrote:
> Re: Re: Re: Re: mapping bot
>> ok jakub i'm stuck :( ,  i don't think i understand how to check for PATH_FOUND
>> String pathFound = "";
>> pathFound = gameMap.pathManager.retrievePathGB(this.choosenNavPoint.location).toString();
>> if(pathFound.equals("PATH_FOUND")){
>>                 this.gameMap.pathManager.runAlongPath();
>> }
>> is what i'm doing and that doesn't seem to be working, how do i do this exactly??
> Ok i'm noticing that if i put
> gameMap.pathManager.retrievePathGB()
> anywhere in my doLogic loop my bot is extremley unresponsive, never seems to find a path and if i have something like
> this.body.sendGlobalMessage("String printing before retrieveGB");
> gameMap.pathManager.retrievePathGB()
> this.body.sendGlobalMessage("String printing after retrieveGB");
> basically neither of those messages will get posted, even if i bury the retrievePathGB into an if() statement and thsoe messages are not affected by retrieveGB in any logical way......... they STILL won't be posted. I had to get rid of that retrieve function entirley to get any sort of logic to function for my bot. Needless to say a bot that doesn't move isn't of much use :( Any ideas? , still not sure how to check for "PATH_FOUND" either
> ----
> Reply Link: <https://artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_reply_threadId=238&comments_parentId=222&post_reply=1#form>
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