[Pogamut-list] Shooting or not?

michal.bida pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Oct 30 16:17:00 CET 2008

Re: Re: Re: Shooting or not?
Right now it is not possible to learn this from GameBots. 

Good news is that we are working on a new Pogamut core with new version of GameBots - in that version this information will be exported from the game - but again just for "normal" UT04 weapons. So even the new version of GameBots will have problems with exporting information about "changed" UT weapons. Hope we will manage to export at least basic characteristics.  
The problem is that the variables and the attributes of the weapons are not quite standardized in UT. 

The new version should be ready by the end of the year 2008 and as far as I know botprize will stick to Pogamut/GameBots current version (GameBots 1117) for the competition. 


> Is there any way to figure out whether or not a weapon is a charging weapon? The Assault Rifle grenade, and the alternate fire of the rocket launcher and the biorifle are all charging weapons. Right now, I've hard-coded knowledge of which weapons are charging, but I would like to be able to learn it from Gamebots. In particular, the upcoming botprize competition will involve modified weapons, so weapons that are not normally charging weapons may change, and vice-versa.
> > Hey!
> > 
> > What you get is in fact "correct" behaviour of Pogamut/GB... The thing is that when you are a human player to fire GrenadeLauncher, you have to push shooting button, then wait a little bit to charge your grenade launcher more - if you want - and then when you want to release your grenade you stop pushing the shoot button and the grenade is out..
> > 
> > It works the same in GB. If you have assault rifle and you start alt firing you are charging your grenade. When you want to release your grenade you call stopshoot method and your grenade will fire. 
> > In the meantime (when charging the grenade) the GB indicates that you are firing - quite correctly, you are charging the grenade. 
> > 
> > So this is how it is. Maybe a bit confusing, but this way some UT weapons works.
> > 
> > Best,
> > Michal


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