[Pogamut-list] Player Vs Player

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu May 15 22:20:41 CEST 2008

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Player Vs Player
Picture yourself to be completely blind with two blind-sticks in your hand. Picture yourself at the edge of the rock and you know that your enemy who is far far before you. How would you reach your enemy with two blind-sticks without navigation graph that can tell you turn back, find stairs goind down to the valley and then through another stairs up to the rock where is your enemy standing? I don't think you can pursue your enemy just with your sensors - unless you create some kind of own map-representation based on where you've already been. It is possible though - you could try to move just with your sensors and maintaing your own navigation graph, placing new navigation point every 2 seconds for instance - could be fun :-) Good luck!

> > If you have a lot of "Decision is : PURSUE" when the bot stands still, doing nothing, I suggest you remove the state 5 (comment the line just under "5) have you got enemy[...]") to see if you bot is now moving.
> Hi,
> I commented state 5 and the bot runs ok now.  It can move around map randomly and attack the enemy.  It can collect weapons, ammo and health.  I had to coment state 5 (Pursue) and state 9 (run around items).  I was thinking is it possible to pursue the enemy using the sensors instead of using the navigation graph. It uses the navigation graph to check last position of enemy can that be done by using sensors. Also is state 9 run around items important so can I just delete that state or if not can that be done using sensors.
> Thank you


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