[Pogamut-list] Multiple Native Bots being treated as one bot

michal.bida pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri May 10 17:23:10 CEST 2013

Re: Multiple Native Bots being treated as one bot

Author: michal.bida

That is weird.. I just tested ADDBOT command and the bots in game have indeed DIFFERENT IDS..

- PLR {Id CTF-1on1-Joust.GBxBot20} {Name Kraagesh} {Team 0} {Location -849.59,10965.23,-3193.03} {Rotation 65535,64,7} {Velocity 431.60,-85.58,0.00} {Weapon XWeapons.Translauncher}
- PLR {Id CTF-1on1-Joust.GBxBot19} {Name Othello} {Team 0} {Location -1197.25,11058.04,-3202.38} {Rotation 65535,65491,65535} {Velocity 0.00,0.00,0.00} {Weapon XWeapons.RocketLauncher}
- PLR {Id CTF-1on1-Joust.GBxBot18} {Name Karag} {Team 0} {Location -1393.32,11109.45,-3198.10} {Rotation 3084,32075,171} {Velocity -85.70,-431.57,0.00} {Weapon XWeapons.RocketLauncher}

What addon exactly are you using? What Pogamut class/ example/ methods?

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