[Pogamut-list] Other gamemodes
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Apr 30 08:35:16 CEST 2013
Re: Other gamemodes
Author: michal.bida
Currently we are supporting DeathMatch, CTF, DoubleDomination and largely untested Bombing run.
The problems:
- with Onslaught - vehicles - we were not able to create low level control for them for bots so far (e.g. drive 50 meters front etc) - its probably solvable, but requires extensive study of UnrealScript code. Also Onslaught maps are quite large - that means more items, more nav points, more ray casts and worse GameBots performance. I doubt we would able to run onslaught maps with much more than 8 bots, which is quite low for some of those maps.
- with Invasion - hundreds of enemies - GameBots are limited with the amount of information they can export. I seriously doubt it would be able to export visibility information for 200 enemies even for one bot and in invasion the number of enemies scale quite fast.
- with Assault - Assault features very special mechanic - we would need to create some extra messages and commands for this type of game. It is possible but some work to do.
Currently we are not planning to do this, although all of this would be possible. The thing is that even now we do not have cutting edge AI even for CTF or Double Domination - when we have it it would be logical to move to other domains.
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