[Pogamut-list] .urt Maps for Pogamut Emohawk

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Oct 19 12:04:22 CEST 2012

Re: .urt Maps for Pogamut Emohawk

Author: jakub.gemrot

Hi! Thank you for using our platform! May I ask you, which university are you from?

Unfortunately UnrealEngine2 does not support "shooting" as default. To use weapons you have to buy UT2004 for your students and use PogamutUT2004 instead.

It would be possible to add weapons to UE2 but that would require a lot of custom coding in UnrealScript, which we do not plan to do ;-(

I will contact Michal Bida aka Knight that is our UnrealScript expert to answer your question and point you to some resources.

If you figure out, how to add weapons to UE2 and would like to share your code, we would be more than happy to implement them inside PogamutEmohawk library.

>From my experiences, there are lot of custom weapons for UT2004, but I'm not sure about UnrealEngine2, as UE2 lacks a lot of classes that are inside UT2004 code base.


Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_reply_threadId=6&comments_parentId=1056&post_reply=1#form>

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