[Pogamut-list] Movement Primitives and Steering

hman pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Jun 18 11:16:19 CEST 2012

Re: Movement Primitives and Steering

Author: hman

Hello Jimmy,

Thank you for your answer. I will inform you more as I progress :-). Following your order:

1-2) I am using the current version of pogamut 3.3.0 now. If it is possible to switch easily, I will do it. What are the differences between the current version and 3.3.1?

3-)I am working with UT 2004.

4-) I tried the navigation.navigate() with navigation.isNavigating() another cool movement function. So I believe now there is no function that incorporates velocity or force?

5-) I agree that the interruption here is inevitable, I need to find a trick to tackle that like reversing the logic and concentrating on the actions rather than the particular points to navigate to.



> Hello Everybody,
> I am using Pogamut as part of my research about Machine Learning in games to imitate human behavior and now I am getting to know the environment by implementing a neural network to learn to run in a circle. I would like to ask two questions regarding movement primitives and steering in pogamut.
> As far as I read, when we don't want to deal with the navigational points(nodes) there are three ways to navigate in a map.
> Letting LocationToGo be the Location object holds the point we want to go, calls in logic():
> 	1- getAct().act(new Move().setFirstLocation(  LocationToGo  ))
> 	2- move.strafeTo(LocationToGo,LocationToGo)
> 	3- pathExecutor.followPath( this.pathPlanner.computePath( info.getLocation(),   LocationToGo));  
> My first question is that are there any other ways to move the bot to a particular point? probably one that we can incorporate velocity or amount of displacement(or maybe force) in one time?
> My second question is about smoothness of the navigation. I am using a neural network that takes the current state of the player and outputs the next position he is upto.
> call in logic():
> 	if (!this.info.isMoving())
> 	{
> 		Location nextLoc= neuralNetworkFunct( info.getLocation());
> 		move.strafeTo(nextLoc,nextLoc);
> 	}
> Using above method, as expected, the bot stops when he's making his decision. Is there a way or a function call to smooth the navigation by not letting the bot stop, but keep moving?
> To illustrate my problem, I uploaded a 1 min video to youtube:
> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=9AfTA1WnwOw]
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Hman.

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