[Pogamut-list] Fwd: Fwd: Logic Exception

Sören Dierkes soeren.dierkes at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de
Mon Jul 11 17:50:35 CEST 2011

Maybe Im not.
I rewrote it and now I am caught in an infinite loop.
I don't know why I fail at such a simple method, but it doesn't work.
The method looks like this:

     protected void stateHit() {
         log.info("Decision is: HIT");
         if (oldAction != Action.GET_ATTACKED) {
             while(players.getNearestVisibleEnemy() != null) {
                 getAct().act(new Rotate(2000,"left"));
             oldAction = Action.GET_ATTACKED;

Is there any mistake?

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