[Pogamut-list] Proper Server Termination

jacob.schrum pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Apr 28 16:05:11 CEST 2011

Re: Proper Server Termination

Author: jacob.schrum

Concerning PogamutPlatform.getPlatform().close(), I wasn't using that before, but it looks like this just makes sure
everything is closed at program termination. I'm more concerned about threads leaking during execution and
both slowing down and stopping execution.

Concerning the clear() method for Tokens and UnrealIds: I would like to have a clear() method. I would only
use it between generations of evolution, when no servers are running, so it shouldn't cause any problems.
However, since I'm working in Pogamut 3.1 for the Humanlike bots competition, I should probably just implement
this myself. I have my own checkout of the 3.1 code that I've already modified in small ways. Could you just give
me a general idea where I should put this method and how to implement it? I imagine it would just reset a
bunch of member variables.

I understand that it's not your job to make things work with BotPrize etc. Gamebots is complicated enough as it is.

Your recommended method for running multiple batches sounds like it might save me some headaches,
but with the competition coming up so soon, I'm not sure I want to try writing a bunch of new code right now.
My current code almost works like I want. I will definitely try it in the future though.

Thanks again for all of the help!

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