[Pogamut-list] Rotate bot in the right angle when hearing noise

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Apr 28 07:29:19 CEST 2011

Re: Rotate bot in the right angle when hearing noise

Author: jakub.gemrot


Is the bot standing still? This is a bit counter-intuitive. Turn and Move command interrupts each other. So if the bot is running (pathExecutor is leading it somewhere) than your command will "stop it" but pathExecutor will immediatelly issue another Move command overriding your Turn.

What would be correct to is to use pathExecutor.setFocus(location);

Does it help?


Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_reply_threadId=4&comments_parentId=708&post_reply=1#form>

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