[Pogamut-list] Proper Server Termination
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Apr 22 20:03:39 CEST 2011
Re: Proper Server Termination
Author: jakub.gemrot
Regarding FatalErrors.
This is something you CAN'T suppress... it is core mechanism that is notifying the whole agent system (i.e., different threads) that some exception has been raised somewhere == meaning that some part of the agent has screwed up == you can't say what will happen next == the only thing you can do is to kill the whole system.
This is not anything you should be worrying about (I think)... just use "KILL()" if you can't "STOP" it as you're doing and you should be fine. If not, please describe the scenario in greater detail, because this feature is so so omni-present (any part of the code may throw an exception) that it is hard to guess what went wrong...
Best, Jimmy
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