[Pogamut-list] Multiple Servers in 3.2
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Apr 22 17:20:21 CEST 2011
Re: Multiple Servers in 3.2
Author: jacob.schrum
Thanks again for all the help. Now, more questions/observations:
Although GameBots2004Ini has a constructor that takes a file as input, the UT2004MatchConfig class has the line:
protected GameBots2004Ini gb2004Ini = new GameBots2004Ini();
This is outside of the constructor, which means that even if I want to pass in my own INI, the one in the "resources" dir still has to exist, which is slightly annoying.
But I can deal with that. What I really want to ask is this:
Since I'm evolving, I need to be able to run the same bot over and over, but with a different controller each time (in my case, a neural network). My bot already supports command line options to load a controller from an xml file, but I haven't noticed a way yet to pass command line arguments to the bot being executed via its jar file.
Furthermore, even though having command line arguments to the bot jar file would be sufficient, the idea of needing to output a file for each controller/network before I even evaluate it is kind of annoying. I suppose it makes things run a lot smoother to have the bot completely encapsulated within its own jar (that way it doesn't interfere with anything Pogamut is doing), but it would be nice to simply launch the bot by calling some method from the source rather than having the bot loaded from the jar.
One last question: The DeathMatch1vNative example is currently set up to output a bunch of data to some directory. For evolution, instead of doing that, I would want to grab the data from within the code and use it to compute fitness values. I'm guessing things like AgentStats are not accessible, since that class is encapsulated within the bot, and within its jar. What's the best way to access the results of a UT2004DeathMatch?
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_reply_threadId=4&comments_parentId=676&post_reply=1#form>
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