[Pogamut-list] Problems with sending commands to GameBots

Zafiris pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Apr 10 16:53:12 CEST 2011

Problems with sending commands to GameBots

Author: Zafiris

hello, and sorry for the long message. I'm trying to create my own parser in order to connect directly to GameBots 2004. That's because I started a project where I have to use C++ instead of Java to program a bot.

I've already managed to connect to GameBots and to get data (the synchronous messages) about my bot and the world around me. However I face many difficulties when I try to send commands back to the bot.

More specifically I am trying to make the bot to walk a step forward. I have tried to send any type of command that I read from the tutorials that is used to move the bot such as RUNTO {Speed 1.00} {Location 1426.04,-567.77,-78.15} but my bot doesn't respond.

At first I thought that GameBots doesn't receive the commands but after some tests I saw that commands like JUMP, SHOOT/STOPSHOOT and ROTATE {Amount 10000} work fine.

So I decided to ask if someone thinks that I do anything wrong..

Also, a second thing I would like to ask is if there is a way to extract image data from the game using GameBots.

Thanks in advance.

Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=5&comments_parentId=633#form>

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