[Pogamut-list] Bot state change to dead freezes code execution.

Piotr.Murach pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Jul 28 23:34:22 CEST 2010

Re: Bot state change to dead freezes code execution.

Author: Piotr.Murach

Hi all,

After whole day of struggle one thing is certain, issuing Respawn command kills the bot and then
initiates it at specified location. Now, if we put respawn method call in
botKilled method, litte wonder that it loops... when bot is killed it changes state
to BotDeadState. Then as the method botKilled is entered, the bot state changes
to BotStarted again, but then of course respawn() method kills it again, so the
botKilled method is invoked again but at the same time respawn is nearly finished
initiating bot and the circle closes. Similar loop happens to me during experiments... I  am kinda inclined 
to think that this could be something to do with GameBots2004 classes such as BotDeathMatch and its
remotePlayer function....



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