[Pogamut-list] Experimental bot setup

Piotr.Murach pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat Jul 17 20:44:23 CEST 2010

Re: Experimental bot setup

Author: Piotr.Murach

Hi again,

That's turning into a some sort of a saga:) Anyhow, I seem to have made some progress, I am starting the ucc server fine, connecting the AddBot and mine bot fine, once they are finished the same scenario is executed again in a loop, the AddBot connects fine and mine bot also connects. But wait ....there is something mysterious happening, the bot appears in the world and does completely nothing, though there are commands being issued - bizarre - it just stands and the native bot is running happy all over the place. Part of the output is...

(ThiefBot)    [WARNING] 19:28:52.296       Not running, can't send CMOVE
(ThiefBot)    [WARNING] 19:28:52.296       Not running, can't send ROTATE {Amount 5461}
(ThiefBot)    [WARNING] 19:28:55.125       Not running, can't send CMOVE
(ThiefBot)    [WARNING] 19:28:55.125       Not running, can't send DODGE {Direction 1.0,0.0,0.0}
(ThiefBot)    [WARNING] 19:28:55.593       Not running, can't send CHANGEWEAPON {Id CTF-1on1-Joust.AssaultRifle}

It seems that the pogamut platform is not starting properly, the bot gets no info from the world and vice versa cannot issue any commands. Any ideas what is the cause of this. If I get this figured out I am virtually on my highway to heaven :) I am using SinglerUT2004Runner to launch my bot and the already mentioned AddBot command.



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