[Pogamut-list] Bot Vision

michal.bida pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Mar 22 12:24:46 CET 2009

Re: Re: Re: Bot Vision

Author: michal.bida

There is another problem. I've peek to the code and some messages use inFrount() function to count what is visible (and are affected by remoteVisionLimit) and some other are using native CanSee function that is affected by Pawn.PeripheralVision... (PLR messages use Pawn.PeripheralVision, the rest use remoteVisionLimit)...

Hope this helps,
> Hi Michal,
> thanks for your answer.
> i knew this "remoteVisionLimit",but it is used for function "inFront()",perhaps i cant change his Value.
> But i found another way,i wrote "Pawn.PeripheralVision=-1.000000;" in checkSelf() function and it effected(:smile:)

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