[Pogamut-list] Bot Vision

mao pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Mar 18 16:49:31 CET 2009

Re: Re: Bot Vision

Author: mao

> You want to change it in GameBots directly, or just in gamebots ini file? In ini file attribute remoteVisionLimit=0.707000 in [BotAPI.RemoteBot] is responsible for vision limit. This value should be the cosine of the limits of visual field. (i.e. 0.707 = 45 degrees to each side, or a 90* arc.)
> michal
> > Hi everyone,
> > i want to change the bot vision,so that it can see very far away and 360 grad around itself.
> > i know two default parameters,"SightRadius" and "PeripheralVision",are perhaps responsible for it,i have changed their value both,but it seems only "SightRadius" had effect...Anyone have any other thoughts?
> > 
> > Thanks a lot.
> > Mao

Hi Michal,
thanks for your answer.
i knew this "remoteVisionLimit",but it is used for function "inFront()",perhaps i cant change his Value.
But i found another way,i wrote "Pawn.PeripheralVision=-1.000000;" in checkSelf() function and it effected(:smile:)

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