[Pogamut-list] A* pathfinding

Daniel pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat Mar 14 10:45:51 CET 2009

A* pathfinding

Author: Daniel

Hi!...its me...again(:redface:)

Whats the story with A*? is it working? Im having a lot of troubles to make my bot running around smoothly.

I was trying to study the HealthForager bot, but it´s all the time with "AStar hasn´t found the path".

I tryed to apply this http://artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pipermail/pogamut-list/2008-September/000115.html, but I couldn´t really worked out (of course could be for my clumsiness (:wink:) )

And in general the bots move quite weirdly...can be for the maps?

I just would like to know if the pathfinding works properly so I will spend more time trying to work it out.

Thanks a lot.


ps: Am I starting to be a jerk?...god, if so, let me know and I will contain myself (:redface:)

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