[Pogamut-list] Creating a new UTServer keeps giving exceptions

Lennie pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Dec 7 13:34:50 CET 2009

Re: Creating a new UTServer keeps giving exceptions

Author: Lennie

> Hi,
> This keeps popping up every 2 seconds. Any idea how I can get rid of this? When I do set my own URI and connect to the server this same error message keeps popping up every two seconds but I do not loose my connection (and the URI is set because I'm using this UTServer object to successfully talk to my server).

I forgot to add that when I set my own URI I do not do this directly but via a user interface so it takes a while before it is set. I see a possible timing issue here that if one does not set the URI immediately the error occurs even when no other methods of the UTServer are used.

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