[Pogamut-list] Flow of the time
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Apr 7 10:18:19 CEST 2009
Re: Re: Re: Re: Flow of the time
Author: michal.bida
Great! :-)
I think you should increase the logic frequency, as the batches from GameBots will be sent more often. Although doLogic method should be called in Pog. 2.3 every time batch from GB arrives... Try to experimet with it. log how often the doLogic method is called when you increase/decrease logic frequency.
> I finally get it working... of course it was my fault. A port issue.
> I join fabien.tence asking about the frequency. If I set a gamespeed to 10, do I need to change manually the logic frequency to 1ms instead of 10ms? I think so...
> > Well I would stick to your mutator. As setting the game speed above 2 leads to weird game behavior anyway (the engine just stops catching up and weird situations occurs). So 3,5 is quite reasonable limit.
> >
> > The problem with SETGAMESPEED command could be that it is just for ControlServer and not for the bots.
> >
> > michal
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