[Pogamut-list] Flow of the time

Vince15 pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Apr 7 08:55:17 CEST 2009

Re: Re: Re: Flow of the time

Author: Vince15

I finally get it working... of course it was my fault. A port issue.

I join fabien.tence asking about the frequency. If I set a gamespeed to 10, do I need to change manually the logic frequency to 1ms instead of 10ms? I think so...

> Well I would stick to your mutator. As setting the game speed above 2 leads to weird game behavior anyway (the engine just stops catching up and weird situations occurs). So 3,5 is quite reasonable limit.
> The problem with SETGAMESPEED command could be that it is just for ControlServer and not for the bots.
> michal

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