[Pogamut-list] Death Location - HeatMap

cazub pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Apr 2 02:42:25 CEST 2009

Re: Death Location - HeatMap

Author: cazub

Ok michal here is my code , which i think just gives me the ID of the person killed
boolean gotKill = false;
public void receiveMessage(RcvMsgEvent e) {
  //MessageObject temp = e.getMessage();
  //must re-init here, bot is dead , restart it all
      gotKill = true;
      playerName = e.getMessage().UnrealID;
... -> then I check during doLogic loop 

the only attributes are visible, ID, unrealID, 

When gamebots sends a "DIE" message it will attatch the killer's unrealID but i don't know how to get to it through pogamut.

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