[Pogamut-list] Can't go backwards?

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Oct 15 10:29:07 CEST 2008

Re: Re: Re: Re: Can't go backwards?

>     public boolean action_moveBackwards()
>     {
>         this.log.info("Action MOVE BACKWARDS.");
>         Triple location = this.bot.getMemory().getAgentLocation();
> //point right in front of bot        
> Triple target = Triple.add(location, Triple.rotateYawPitchRoll(new Triple(50,0,0), bot.getMemory().getAgentRotation().x, 0, 0));
> //point right behind bot        
> Triple strafeLoc = Triple.rotateYawPitchRoll(Triple.subtract(target, location), Math.PI, 0, 0);
>         strafeLoc.normalize();    
>         this.bot.getBody().strafeToLocation(strafeLoc, target);

I think the problem lies here ... strafeLoc is not a vector to a target but absolute position within the world ... so you must do something like this
targetLocation = chosenNavPoint.location;
strafeToLocation( targetLocation, agentLocation );
// as strafe to location is always running directly to "targetLocation" specyfing actual agentLocation will make the agent to look behind itself thus running backwards (not tested, should be working ;-)

Cheers! Jakub


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