[Pogamut-list] Stats of UT bots
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Oct 14 12:15:17 CEST 2008
Re: Stats of UT bots
> I'm going to do a bot with a genetic algorithm, and I need some stats to do it, but I don't know how to get them. When a match is finished, I need to know for example how much life it has picked up, or how many shots it has done. With Pogamut's bots it's easy, because I can obtain them with Java methods and save them into a file. But I don't have good bots (only the examples, like Hunter), so I'm wondering if I could get them from UT bots.
> Does anyone know how to do that? Or where can I get good Pogamut's bots to obtain the stats from them?
For recording of stats of Pogamut bots look at utility class AgentStats (look for it in the repo, I don't know it's exact location).
Stats recording of native bots isn't supported yet. Maybe you can get some of this information from GB messages (eg. when someone kills you, you will receive his ID) but I doubt that you will be able to log Health pack pickups of native bots etc....
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