[Pogamut-list] Run bot automatically

DarthRoman pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Nov 12 11:56:08 CET 2008

Re: Re: Re: Run bot automatically
Hi again, Rudolf

In fact, I've executed TestJPPFExperimentExecution and I obtained this:

[client: driver1] ClassServerDelegate.init(): Attempting connection to the class server

Anyways, like I said I modified this class and I executed it like a LocalExperiment. The result is that the program brings the map, loads properties, and it starts a match:

UCCLOG ID0 MasterServerUplink: Resolved ut2004master2.epicgames.com as

However, after that I obtained an exception:

INFO: ID0 MasterServerUplink: Connection to ut2004master2.epicgames.com established.
12-nov-2008 11:34:51 cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection request
INFO: Request added ... RECONNECT_IF_DOWN
12-nov-2008 11:34:51 cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection request
INFO: Request added ... RECONNECT_IF_DOWN
12-nov-2008 11:34:51 cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection logException
GRAVE: While processing request 'InnerJob(Testing auto-reconnect.)' from 'cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection.() in file UTServerConnection.java:93' the exception occured. 
java.net.UnknownHostException: serverUri is null
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection.connectToGB(UTServerConnection.java:900)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection.doAutomaticReconnect(UTServerConnection.java:872)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection.threadIteration(UTServerConnection.java:641)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.server.UTServerConnection.run(UTServerConnection.java:364)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

But I think this is not the problem, because it continues running, and after that I obtain a lot of exceptions, specially that the socket is closed:

GRAVE: Unable to read from Gamebot -> socket closed, exception: java.net.SocketException
12-nov-2008 11:42:03 cz.cuni.pogamut.communication.Mediator runParserClientCommunicationThread
GRAVE: Exception caught.
cz.cuni.pogamut.exceptions.CantReadException: Unable to read from Gamebot -> socket closed
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.Parser.Parser.getMessageFromYylex(Parser.java:94)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.Parser.Parser.receiveParsedMessage(Parser.java:155)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.communication.Mediator.parserClientCommunicationIteration(Mediator.java:596)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.communication.Mediator.runParserClientCommunicationThread(Mediator.java:459)
        at cz.cuni.pogamut.communication.Mediator$1.run(Mediator.java:383)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

I think that all the exceptions are because I don't know where to specify the server uri (I imagine it would be, and its default value is null.

I really appreciate your efforts and your time answering my questions, and I'm really sorry for making so many questions, but it's very difficult to understand the project without a manual of how to use it.


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