[Pogamut-list] Player Vs Player

M.A.H pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun May 4 01:23:30 CEST 2008

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Player Vs Player
> You can do this easily, It will be almost "cut and paste" of Hunter and Khepera :-)

I have combined the hunter and khepera bot but it doesn't work properly. The bot seems to me it is in two minds it trys to move around the map randomly but somtimes follows the pathnodes.  So then after a while the bot just stands there.  I have tried to disable the walking state and also took it off the if rules the bot then doesnt move.  I tried to look at what else could make the bot follow pathnodes but couldnt find it.  Is there a way to disable the code which makes the bot follow pathnodes?  I tried looking at the code but all I could find was the walking state.


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