[Pogamut-list] pls help me solve this problem
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Mar 17 09:03:25 CET 2013
Re: pls help me solve this problem
Author: jakub.gemrot
Hi! I'm sorry to answering this late!
I've inspected the console.txt, thanks for sending!
The problem lies here:
Cause: class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.connection.exception.ConnectionException: LogCategory(Connection): java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect (
This is telling us that Java was unable to connect to that is localhost (your computer) at port 3000. This means that nobody is listening at that port, meaning that GameBots2004 server is not running.
Note that you have to start GameBots2004 server first, which in fact is Unreal Tournament 2004 dedicated server running GameBots2004 mod.
1) go to UT2004/System and confirm that files GameBots2004.u and GameBots2004.ini is there
2) ensure that GameBots2004.ini has following configuration lines
3) start GameBots2004 server by running UT2004/System/startGamebotsDMServer.bat
... this batch file contains console command ucc server DM-TrainingDay?game=GameBots2004.BotDeathMatch?timelimit=999999
... this tells to start UT2004 dedicated server with GameBots2004 mod on DM-TrainingDay map
4) ensure that the console of GameBots2004 contains line START MATCH
... then, run the HunterBot again :-)
Find more information here: http://www.pogamutcup.com/zdroje/CVUT_2013-03-11.pptx?attredirects=0
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=5&comments_reply_threadId=5&comments_parentId=1160&post_reply=1#form>
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