[Pogamut-list] Ammo/Shot tracking

jacob.schrum pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Jan 22 21:13:42 CET 2013

Re: Ammo/Shot tracking

Author: jacob.schrum

It seems to be that the problem is more in GameBots than in Pogamut. There just aren't any messages that tell you when ammo is used.

I don't know if I *need* to track the ammo this precisely, but I know I need to be able to calculate the ratio hits over shots with certain weapons (i.e. the accuracy), and why wouldn't I try to do it correctly?

Basically, I'm evolving bots, and I want to have an accuracy objective. I know that stuff like this has been done before by others, and I've done it too, but I'm sort of refactoring some code and it just looked really nasty to be tracking ammo use the way I was ... I was hoping there would be a better way.

Things get even crazier when you have to track the notion of accuracy with a weapon like the flak cannon, since one shot by the bot can register multiple PlayerDamaged messages. I don't really know what the best way to track this is, but since we're talking about it I figured I'd point it out as another weird issue that is hard to deal with.

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