[Pogamut-list] Raycasting problem

fireball787b pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Nov 5 15:08:18 CET 2012

Raycasting problem

Author: fireball787b


I'm playing with the raycasting example and i can't figure why it's not working.

I can see the bot with the rays in green and walking by the map and when the rays collide with a wall they turn red, but only that.

For example, if the ray that collides with the wall is the front ray i should do: "front.isResult()" to check if the ray hits the wall but the return value is always "false".

I've followed step by step the example (last version) but i don't know why it's not working (even the example it's not working ^^').

Anyone can help me? Thanks!

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