[Pogamut-list] Recording Bot/User Data

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue May 22 13:34:21 CEST 2012

Re: Recording Bot/User Data

Author: jakub.gemrot

Hi hman!

Welcome to the Forum :-)

Yep, its perfectly doable (scientist always have to measure stuff ;-), just use UT2004Analyzer: http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/maven-sites/pogamut/3.3.1-SNAPSHOT/pogamut-ut2004/apidocs/index.html

UT2004Analyzer is dynamically spawning observer to each player/native bot/pogamut bot that enters the game.

Its a bit tricky to setup, see CustomControlServer example (within example archetypes) that shows it for UT2004Server ... this way you can wrap UT2004Analyzer and do whatever you want.

There is also a incubator project that contains more comfort object that does what you want, you can contact "Jan Dufek"  author of that data collector for more information.


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