[Pogamut-list] Installing from EmoHawke bundle

suizenjiKoen pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Mar 27 13:40:02 CEST 2012

Installing from EmoHawke bundle

Author: suizenjiKoen


I am having trouble installing from the ue2runtime package.

I have 64-bit windows, disabled UAC, pre-installed netbeans 7.1.1, tried 32-bit and 64 bit Java 1.6.30 jdk

I have even tried installing on an old win xp box.

Every time I install I am told that the "system can't find the path specified", and quits, the install is clearly incomplete at this time. It also does not set up maven correctly (no adjustments made to the environment variables, although the files have been copied)

Are ue2 and ut2004 interchangable? The quicklauch guide only describes how to install from svn using ut2004. I have also tried installing ue2 from the installed provided  by epic, and then pointing the installer to that directory, but I get the error "cannot find /ue2runtime/system/-compile.bat" when -compile.bat is in the root of the ue2 install folder.

Any idea where I am going wrong?

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