[Pogamut-list] Can't start a Maven project from archetype

DanielKaravolos pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Mar 8 23:09:23 CET 2012

Re: Can't start a Maven project from archetype

Author: DanielKaravolos

Hi Jakub,

That looks nice! Indeed, it installed the archetypes to my local hard disk.
Tip for the next installer: check whether someone has the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
I didn't have it (no idea why), but I had to look in the Maven files to see that that was the problem.

Unfortunately, I still can't open the archetype. When Netbeans generates the project, it starts downloading groovy from this repository:
Perhaps something is wrong with that repository? outdated perhaps? (since it says maven2)

I have downloaded and installed Groovy (1.8.6) separately, but Netbeans doesn't automatically recognize that I have it. 

Any ideas on what I should do next?


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