[Pogamut-list] Can't start a Maven project from archetype
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Mar 6 15:38:10 CET 2012
Re: Can't start a Maven project from archetype
Author: jakub.gemrot
Hi, Daniel! And welcome to the forum!
I'm sorry to take my time to answer you.
I'm currently building release 3.2.5 of the Pogamut platform, so please be patient.
We've just migrated to NetBeans 7.1 and we're pulled out new installer, that will
1) install Apache Mave 3.0.4 for you
2) install NetBeans plugins (provided your having NetBeans 7.1 or 7.1.1 installed)
3) install GameBots2004 (provided your having UT2004 installer)
4) install all example archetypes project into your local maven repository so you can easily pick them up
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_reply_threadId=2&comments_parentId=897&post_reply=1#form>
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