[Pogamut-list] Movement Primitives and Steering

michal.bida pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Jun 22 09:38:51 CEST 2012

Re: Movement Primitives and Steering

Author: michal.bida

You can easily do something like that using Pogamut Move command:

Simple example of code that first moves the bot right, then left, then backwards:
int randomMoveDirection = 0;
	 * Last resort - keep trying random points 200 UT units from bot location - 90 degrees left, right and backwards. :-)
	protected void runSomewhere() {
		if (randomMoveDirection >= 2)
			randomMoveDirection = -1;
		Location backwardsLoc = bot.getLocation();
		Rotation rot = bot.getRotation();
		rot.setYaw(rot.getYaw() + randomMoveDirection * 16000);
		backwardsLoc = backwardsLoc.sub(rot.toLocation().getNormalized().scale(200));					
		double hDistance = bot.getLocation().getDistance2D(backwardsLoc);
		double vDistance = bot.getLocation().getDistanceZ(backwardsLoc);
		double angle = Math.atan(Math.abs(vDistance) / hDistance);		
		runner.runToLocation(initialLocation, backwardsLoc, null, focus == null ? backwardsLoc : focus, null, angle < MAX_ANGLE);
		bot.getAct().act(new Move().setFirstLocation(backwardsLoc).setFocusLocation(bot.getLocation().add(bot.getRotation().toLocation().getNormalized().scale(500))));

It is good to have some basics from linear algebra - you'll be using things like this more than often. :-)


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