[Pogamut-list] Experiments / workaround
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Jan 19 07:44:41 CET 2012
Re: Experiments / workaround
Author: jakub.gemrot
It depends on what type of experiments you want to run, i.e., how
complex you want your experiment to be.
There already exists UT2004Tournament project that can automatically
run series of DeathMatches and CTF matches:
UT2004Match and UT2004DeathMatch classes are great places to learn how
to run UT2004 game automatically.
See UT2004Tournament project test classes that contains examples on
how to run the UT2004Tournament.
If you're referring to JPPF implementation we've got, that is not
available currently I'm afraid :-(
You would probably be interested in class UCCWrapper that can
automatically start up ucc.exe
and also check out examle projects 10, 11 that shows you how to setup
UT2004Server class and use it for
adding bots to UT2004.
See archetypes in our artifactory:
See manual: http://pogamut.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/doc/Setup-Pogamut3-with-Maven.pdf
How to import our example archetype into NetBeans.
Basicly, what you need to do (if you up to manual setup) is:
1) instantiate UCCWrapper and fire up ucc.exe
2) startup your own bots
3) setup UT2004Server class and populate environment with native bots
4) restart match with ut2004Server.getAct().act(new
5) wait till some your game-end condition is triggered
6) kill UCCWrapper (along with all your bots)
Note that every UT2004Bot contains AgentStats instance (inside
UT2004BotModuleController) that can be used
to collect huge amount of statistics about the bot, it can be
configured to output the stats into .csv file.
Hope it helps,
P.S.: there already is a Maven plugin that can be configure to run matches + producing various graps automatically!
See: http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8080/view/Addons/job/UT2004MavenTestPlugin%20%28site%20deploy%29/site/?
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