[Pogamut-list] No UT Server Node in Services Tab
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Dec 17 10:50:19 CET 2012
Re: No UT Server Node in Services Tab
Author: p92363
Hi everyone, I really need a soon answer.
The problem with the plugins is not the writable rights, at least in my case netbeans tells me:
Warning - could not install some modules:
Pogamut NB UDK - The module MultiView Windows was requested in version >= 1.26.2 but only 1.26.1 was found.
Pogamut NB UDK - The module Window System API was requested in version >= 6.48.2 but only 6.48.1 was found.
Shed - The module Editor Hints was requested in version >= but only was found.
Shed - The module Java Source was requested in version >= but only was found.
Shed - The module Lexer was requested in version >= but only was found.
Shed - The module MultiView Windows was requested in version >= 1.26.2 but only 1.26.1 was found.
Shed - The module Text API was requested in version >= 6.43.2 but only 6.43.1 was found.
Shed - The module Window System API was requested in version >= 6.48.2 but only 6.48.1 was found.
Pogamut NB UT2004 - The module MultiView Windows was requested in version >= 1.26.2 but only 1.26.1 was found.
Pogamut NB UT2004 - The module Window System API was requested in version >= 6.48.2 but only 6.48.1 was found.
Pogamut NB Base - The module Window System API was requested in version >= 6.48.2 but only 6.48.1 was found.
Pogamut NB Unreal - The module MultiView Windows was requested in version >= 1.26.2 but only 1.26.1 was found.
Pogamut NB Unreal - The module Window System API was requested in version >= 6.48.2 but only 6.48.1 was found. 3 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
My question is simple...WHERE THE HELL ARE THE LAST VERSION OF THESE PLUGINS??? and why they work for other people but not to me???
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_reply_threadId=2&comments_parentId=463&post_reply=1#form>
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