[Pogamut-list] Fast Traces in getSimpleRayCasting()

michal.bida pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed May 18 21:48:28 CEST 2011

Re: Fast Traces in getSimpleRayCasting()

Author: michal.bida

That could be possible. 

It could work like this: While in one call of logic method the whole worldView is locked - the updates are not propagated and are in queue waiting for logic to finish. After it finishes everything updates. This would be there because we want to have consistent state of worldView during one call of the logic method. The conditionals I am using are due to that I am not sure how this really works - Jakub Gemrot knows exactly, but he is out of town I guess. I've notified him, so when he will have time he'll respond.

Could you try this: Create a listener on EndMessage event and in notify method of EndMessage listener call some method of yours (lets call it CustomLogic) where you'll try to use the synchronization you were talking about. This CustomLogic should be called as often as logic and it could not suffer from the limitations of logic. (Although I am thinking that the worldView sync. will be probably in all calls of methods on the bot...)

Sorry for this fuzzy answer. :)

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