[Pogamut-list] SafeRunToLocation failing when the sockets are under heavy burden?

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Mar 6 11:19:45 CET 2011

Re: SafeRunToLocation failing when the sockets are under heavy burden?

Author: jakub.gemrot


Pogamut 2 is obsolete now and you won't receive any help from our sides.

I haven't seen the sources for more than a year now. We're working currently only with Pogamut 3
that is Pogamut 2 but completely redesigned (even though you may find the base agent class to be very similar).




P.S.: from what I remember

1) safeRunToLocation must be called periodically, if you fail to call it often, the bot won't be navigating successfully, that's because safeRunToLocation is periodically issuing RUNTO commands to the bot ==> fail to call safeRunToLocation() ==> you bot will finish last RUNTO command  leading to some navpoint and will wait here till you again call safeRunToLocation

2) safeRunToLocation is buggy as hell ==> Pogamut 3 is much much better in it :-) ...

3) ALAWAYS AVOID COMPUTANIONALLY EXTENSIVE OPERATIONS IN doLogic() !!! Always spawn a new Thread for your computation and asynchronously check for results, this is true also for logic() method of Pogamut 3 bots

4) doLogic() shoud take 200ms at max ... you may watch out for it


Pogamut 3 works also with UnrealEngine2 and UDK and Defcon! Currently we're moving towards UDK but it will take around 3-6 months to debug the functionality we have with UT2004 ... which is MUCH MUCH BETTER/GREATER than Pogamut 2 now!

Pogamut 3 even has observers / UT2004Tournament (allows you to conduct easily tournaments + collect statistics/replays automatically)

P.P.P.S.: Pogamut 3 has been Mavenized lately, if you know Maven, IT IS MUCH EASIER TO DEVELOP WITH!

CHEERS! (:cool:)


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