[Pogamut-list] GameBot not reacting in Custom Level

michal.bida pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Feb 4 19:10:33 CET 2011

Re: GameBot not reacting in Custom Level

Author: michal.bida

First of all - great that you are using Pogamut with UDK (I guess you are one of the first)! Currently Pogamut UDK support is not thoroughly tested. Few additional questions:
1) Could you try if the navigation bot example does the same thing on your map? (not moving after start) 
2) Do you have navigation points grid generated correctly for you map? (press ALT + G when connected on UDK server, colored lines should appear between navigation points - if they appear then it is ok).  
3) When trying to run Navigation bot and Hunter bot on default map DM-Deck do they move, or do they do nothing after start as on your new custom map?

It seems to me that the connection to UDK through GB is working (otherwise the hunter would not be created at all). So either there is a problem with navigation (which I think is not the case), or there is problem in Pogamut ItemDescriptor, that does not recognize your new custom items added to the level (although I would presume it would use some defaults) and is causing Pogamut code to "freeze" (if it is really the case we can solve it easily I believe). 

Maybe you could try even this:
4) Edit the HunterBot code - erase everything from logic() method and add there only one line {CODE()} getAct().act(new Jump()); {CODE} Does this bot jump after connecting him to your custom level?


Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_reply_threadId=7&comments_parentId=566&post_reply=1#form>

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