[Pogamut-list] Setting up PogamutUDK
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Aug 22 11:22:05 CEST 2011
Re: Setting up PogamutUDK
Author: michal.bida
If you want to develop AI, I would suggest to stick to UT2004 version. From bot development point of view there is no benefit UDK can offer you except better graphic, which is from AI point of view unnecessary. UDK is currently untested as well as project PogamutUDK - there will be bugs. On the other hand PogamutUT2004 and GameBots for UT2004 are tested thoroughly and there will be minimal problems.
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_reply_threadId=7&comments_parentId=789&post_reply=1#form>
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