[Pogamut-list] Pogamut 3.2 and Maven
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Apr 13 18:01:52 CEST 2011
Re: Pogamut 3.2 and Maven
Author: ikarpov
> Hello team,
> I know that tutorials for the new version of Pogamut and how to get started using Maven are on the way, but could I get a quick-and-dirty tutorial in the meantime? I'm having problems getting started with even a basic project. How do I get NavBot up and running in the new version?
We are also having trouble running the current examples from trunk. In particular running 04-navigation-bot results in the following:
(NavigationBot1) [WARNING] 15:41:44.671 Starting agent NavigationBot1-3 at THECOMPUTER/d714de7f-d6bb-d6c5-285d-299dd34e9ec6
(NavigationBot1) [WARNING] 15:41:44.672 Connecting to SocketConnectionAddress[].
(NavigationBot1) [WARNING] 15:41:44.678 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot1) [WARNING] 15:41:44.688 Log level set to ALL.
(NavigationBot1) [WARNING] 15:41:44.691 Thread 0: Thread started.
(Platform) [WARNING] 15:41:44.863 Creating registry at 1560 ...
(Platform) [WARNING] 15:41:44.875 Starting MBean server.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:44.988 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:44.990 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.045 Picking new target navpoint.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.050 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.053 Log level set to ALL.
(NavigationBot) [FINE] 15:41:45.081 path computed, size == 5
(NavigationBot) [FINEST] 15:41:45.081 new state PATH_COMPUTED
(NavigationBot) [FINER] 15:41:45.083 switching to path element 1/5 -> InfoMessage[NavPointMessage][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.PathNode129] | Location = [2114.00; -2294.00; -81.00] | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = true | Item = null | ItemClass = null | ItemSpawned = false | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = false | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.PathNode129] | Location = [2114.00; -2294.00; -81.00] | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = true | Item = null | ItemClass = null | ItemSpawned = false | Doo
rOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = false | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ]
(NavigationBot) [FINEST] 15:41:45.083 new state SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT
(NavigationBot) [FINER] 15:41:45.287 navigating
(NavigationBot) [INFO] 15:41:45.289 --- Logic iteration ---
(NavigationBot) [INFO] 15:41:45.290 Visible navpoints: 9 / 33
(NavigationBot) [INFO] 15:41:45.290 Visible items: 7 / 21
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.531 Calling WorldView.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.531 Fatal error in WorldView: Exception raising event WorldObjectUpdatedEvent[id = DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52, object = InfoMessage[NavPointMessage][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52] | Location = [2011.04; -927.93; -82.00] | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11] | ItemClass = ItemType[name = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH] | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null |
][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52] | Location = [2011.04; -927.93; -82.00] | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11] | ItemClass = ItemType[name = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH] | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ], time=10]
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.533 Fatal error happenned - component bus is stopping.
Component: UT2004SyncLockableWorldView
Message: Exception raising event WorldObjectUpdatedEvent[id = DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52, object = InfoMessage[NavPointMessage][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52] | Location = [2011.04; -927.93; -82.00] | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11] | ItemClass = ItemType[name = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH] | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52] | Location = [2011.04; -927.93; -82.00] | Velocity = null | Visibl
e = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11] | ItemClass = ItemType[name = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH] | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ], time=10]
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(NavPointMessage.java:2411))
Stacktrace: cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.controller.ComponentController.fatalError(ComponentController.java:518)
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(NavPointMessage.java:2411)) cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(NavPointMessage.java:2411)
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.533 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.533 Calling Connection.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.534 Connection.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.534 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.535 Calling Parser.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.535 Parser.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.535 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.535 Calling WorldMessageTranslator.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.535 WorldMessageTranslator.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.535 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.535 Calling Mediator.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.735 Mediator.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.735 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.735 Calling Act.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.735 Act.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.735 Fatal error sensed: FatalErrorEvent[
Component: UT2004SyncLockableWorldView
Message: Exception raising event WorldObjectUpdatedEvent[id = DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52, object = InfoMessage[NavPointMessage][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52] | Location = [2011.04; -927.93; -82.00] | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11] | ItemClass = ItemType[name = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH] | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52] | Location = [2011.04; -927.93; -82.00] | Velocity = null | Visibl
e = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectId[DM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11] | ItemClass = ItemType[name = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH] | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ], time=10]
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(NavPointMessage.java:2411))
Stacktrace: cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.controller.ComponentController.fatalError(ComponentController.java:518)
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(NavPointMessage.java:2411)) cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(NavPointMessage.java:2411)
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.736 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:45.736 Calling SyncUT2004BotLogic0.kill().
(Platform) [WARNING] 15:41:45.736 Closing the platform.
(Platform) [WARNING] 15:41:45.743 Shutting down!
(Platform) [SEVERE] 15:41:45.743 Shutdown.
Exception in thread "main" PogamutException[cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner at 2d59a3: Could not execute all agents due to an exception, check logs of respective agents.]
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.utils.runner.impl.AgentRunner.startAgentWithParamsMain(AgentRunner.java:411)
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.utils.runner.impl.AgentRunner.startAgent(AgentRunner.java:179)
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner.startAgent(UT2004BotRunner.java:170)
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner.startAgent(UT2004BotRunner.java:36)
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples.navigationbot.NavigationBot.main(NavigationBot.java:205)
(Platform) [WARNING] 15:41:45.744 ServerWorker Stopped.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.967 Thread 0: Interrupted!
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.967 Thread 0: Logic thread stopped.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.967 SyncUT2004BotLogic0.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.967 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.967 Calling Game1.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.967 Game1.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.967 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.968 Calling AgentInfo2.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 AgentInfo2.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.968 Calling Players3.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Players3.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.968 Calling ItemDescriptors4.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 ItemDescriptors4.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.968 Calling Weaponry5.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Weaponry5.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.968 Calling Items6.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.968 Items6.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.969 Calling Senses7.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Senses7.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.969 Calling AgentConfig8.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 AgentConfig8.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.969 Calling Raycasting9.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Raycasting9.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.969 Calling Action10.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Action10.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.970 Calling AdvancedLocomotion11.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 AdvancedLocomotion11.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.970 Calling AdvancedShooting12.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 AdvancedShooting12.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.970 Calling Communication13.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 Communication13.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.970 Calling ConfigureCommands14.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 ConfigureCommands14.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.970 Calling SimpleRayCasting15.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.970 SimpleRayCasting15.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.971 Calling ImprovedShooting16.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 ImprovedShooting16.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.971 Calling NavigationGraphBuilder17.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 NavigationGraphBuilder17.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.971 Calling AgentStats18.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 AgentStats18.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.971 Calling FloydWarshallMap19.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 FloydWarshallMap19.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.971 Calling AdvancedLocomotion20.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 AdvancedLocomotion20.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.972 Calling Players21.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Players21.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.972 Calling Senses22.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Senses22.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.972 Calling Game23.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Game23.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:46.972 Calling AgentInfo24.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:47.472 AgentInfo24.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:47.472 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:47.472 Calling AdvancedLocomotion25.kill().
(NavigationBot) [SEVERE] 15:41:47.472 AdvancedLocomotion25.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) [WARNING] 15:41:47.473 MediatorWorker: Stopped.
Total time: 5.078s
Finished at: Wed Apr 13 15:41:47 CDT 2011
Final Memory: 3M/15M
[ERROR]Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.1.1:exec (default-cli) on project 02-navigation-bot: Result of cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin\java.exe" -classpath C:\Users\THEUSER\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PogamutUT2004Examples\02-NavigationBot\target\classes;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\pogamut\pogamut-ut2004\3.2.2-SNAPSHOT\pogamut-ut2004-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\org\apache\ant\ant-trax\1.8.0\ant-trax-1.8.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\net\sourceforge\saxon\saxon\\saxon-;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\xmllist\1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\xmllist-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\com\thoughtworks\xstream\xstream\1.3.1\xstream-1.3.1.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\xpp3\xpp3_min\1.1.4c\xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\pogamut\pogamut-unreal\3.2.2-SNAPSHOT\pogamut-unreal-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\r
gine\1.0\jython-engine-1.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\afsm\1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\afsm-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples.navigationbot.NavigationBot" execution is: '1'. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR]To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR]Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR]For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR][Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_reply_threadId=4&comments_parentId=653&post_reply=1#form>
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