[Pogamut-list] update analyzer faster
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Oct 28 22:26:39 CEST 2010
Re: update analyzer faster
Author: bulent
That didn't help. I even tried to change other parameters in GameBots2004.ini file like:
;delay between two synchronous batches
still nothing changed. The logic update is still 4 times in a second. I thought rest
> There is a way. In GameBots2004.ini file (found in UT2004/System/) add these lines:
> {CODE()}
> [GameBots2004.ObservingConnection]
> updateTime=0.5
> {CODE}
> The updateTime number defines how many seconds the connection will wait before sending next synchronous update (0.5 = half a second).
> Tell me if it works.
> Best,
> Michal
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_reply_threadId=4&comments_parentId=386&post_reply=1#form>
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